Monday, September 16, 2013

Sweet Water Fish Ravioli With Riesling

Layers of silky ravioli and three kinds of fish filets garnished with Paris mushrooms and seasoned with creamy sauce and Riesling wine make a scrumptious and gorgeous dish. In this fish recipes grand brochet, zander, and eel fillets are layered one on top of the other with open ravioli sheets separating the fish filets. Paris mushrooms also commonly known as button mushrooms (Portobello when they are mature) are sautéed in butter and flavored with some lemon juice and then scattered all over the dish. Fish fumet is enhanced with cream and butter to make a rich sauce that is poured on the fish, ravioli and mushrooms. The fish are cooked separately and moistened with fish fumet and Riesling white wine.


14 tablespoons flour
0.44 lbs. Brochet fillet
2 eggs
0.44 lbs. zander fillet
1 pinch salt
0.44 lbs. eel fillet
1 teaspoon oil
salt, pepper
3/4 cup white wine (Riesling)
1 1/4 cups fish fumet (stock)
3/4 cup double cream
2 chopped shallots
4 tablespoons butter
0.33 lbs. small Paris mushrooms
2 medium white onions with greens
1 teaspoon Melfort vinegar
2 tablespoons
1 ½ tablespoons butter, lemon juice


1.       Mix flour, eggs, salt, and oil in a food processor and pulse until you get smooth dough. Work and knead the dough until it does not stick to your fingers anymore. Wrap in foil and let it rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and the foil and, using a rolling pin, spread the dough as thin as possible, until it’s almost transparent. (If the dough still sticks a little, add some flour to better spread it out.) First cut it in strips, then in squares of 4 inches apiece. Cut 2 squares into thin, long lamellas (like matches) and brown them in the oven. Put the other 12 squares into salted, boiling water with oil. After a few seconds remove them and refresh in ice water. Drain.

2.       Cut the fish fillets into large pieces. Peel and mince the onions. Mince the onion greens. Cook the onions on medium heat in 2 tablespoons butter. Add the Melfort vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Salt and pepper the fish and add them to the pan. Cook for 5 minutes.

3.       Cut off the dirty end of the Paris mushrooms and wash them quickly. Cut into quarters and stew with 1 ½ tablespoons butter and some lemon juice. Salt and pepper.

4.       Place the salted and peppered eel in a frying pan. Sprinkle the bottom of the frying pan with 2 chopped shallots. Moisten with Riesling and fish fumet. Cook on medium heat for 6 minutes.

5.       Reduce 3/4 of the fond and add double cream. Bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and beat in 4 tablespoons butter. Adjust the seasoning.

6.       For the ending: Place a sheet of ravioli in the center of the dish. Layer fish pieces. Quickly mix the sauce to make it smoother. Cover the fish with this sauce and lay a second pasta sheet. Layer another fish filet and cover with sauce then top with another pasta layer. Garnish with onions. Place the stewed Paris mushrooms and the minced onion green around the dish. Sprinkle the thin, long, golden brown lamellas to garnish.

Enjoy the fish recipes from

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