Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chocolates and Health Benefits

Chocolate is oftentimes marked as a guilty pleasure, but is it really bad or good for you? Tons of news about gains of chocolate and cocoa merchandises for wellness, backed by scientific researches, have been published on various media.

Chocolate is currently savoring renewed popularity amongst wellness professional people, many of whom now think that chocolate - peculiarly the dark variety - in small amounts, may hold health-giving properties like antioxidants called polyphenols that are believed to aid slim down free-radical damage in the body.

Chocolate also assists balance your temper, as it carries serotonin which is a natural anti-downer. So integrating gentle amounts of dark chocolate into your diet is good for your wellness without any question.

Chocolate is healthy, but it's also extremely caloric and the diet forms oftentimes recede a lot of the benefits along with the fat. So if you want to eat chocolate, think to learn what else are you eating to preserve your calorie intake balanced.

As chocolate is a rich reservoir of sugar, calories and fats, it is no less damaging and plumping than other junk food. For the same grounds, it causes and leads to all the terms and diseases caused by consumption of refined sugar: heart diseases, diabetes, inflammations, yeast infections, osteoporosis, obesity and others.

If you love it, and can limit yourself to merely few ounces of dark chocolate a a few times a week, there is no ground to feel guilt! It may really be great for you. If you eat much more, particularly of milk chocolate, it's unhealthy.

watch chocolate video recipes here

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